How Many Teeth Do Humans Have?

Have you wondered how many teeth humans have? If so, you’re in the right place.

Life gives you a chance to take good care of your teeth twice. First, when you are a baby, gradually, you get your primary (baby) teeth and eventually permanent (secondary) teeth as an adult. 

So, primary teeth are 20, whereas adult teeth are 32. So, during a lifetime, a human gets 52 teeth, but 32 of these are permanent.

Teeth play an integral part in a human’s life. They are vital for chewing food, proper speed, and much more! Maintaining oral hygiene helps you maintain your overall health. So, taking care of your teeth is essential for your well-being. 

Read on for more information. 

Types of Teeth In Humans

Talking about the 32 adult teeth, you have the following: 

  • Incisors 
  • Canines 
  • Molars 
  • Premolars 


Incisors are at the front of your mouth. In total, you have eight incisors. When you smile, incisors make your smile pretty! They also help with pronunciation and help you bite the food. 


Canines are the sharp and pointy teeth in your mouth. They help you tear the food. There are two canines in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. 


Premolars are between the molars and canines. There are eight in total, four in the bottom row and four in the upper row of your teeth. Premolars help in crushing the food in your mouth. 


You have 12 molars, 4 of which are wisdom teeth. Six molars are on the top row, while six are at the bottom. Molars help in grinding the food in your mouth. Wisdom teeth appear between the age of 17 and 25. 

Dental Formula of Human Teeth

According to Oxford Reference, the dental formula is a method that tells you about the arrangement of teeth. There are dental formulas for humans and other animals. It’s represented with letters and alphabets. 

For example, the dental formula for secondary human dentition is: I 2/2 C 1/1 P 2/2 M 3/3, and the total number of teeth is 32.

For dogs, the dental formula is: I 3/3 C 1/1 P 4/4 M 3/3, and the total number of teeth is 42. 

Human Tooth Count 

According to healthline, by the time you are 2 to 3 years old, you will have 20 baby teeth. Ten will be on the top and ten on the bottom of your mouth. But the milk teeth or the baby teeth fall off, and you get a set of permanent teeth. 

You get 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars. By the time your child is between 12 and 14 years old, you can expect a set of permanent teeth except for the wisdom teeth, which usually erupt after the age of 17, if at all. Some people don’t have enough space in the mouth for wisdom teeth, while others get it extracted from the dentist’s recommendation. 

Factors That Affect Teeth And Oral Health In Humans

Your oral health matters. You must brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. If you are not taking care of your oral hygiene, it can affect your overall health in the long run. 

When people are not educated about the importance of oral health, it’s easy to neglect it. However, not caring for your teeth correctly can affect your oral health. 

You must replace your toothbrush every three months. Using the bamboo toothbrush would be a good idea! However, the dentist may recommend the electric toothbrush as it depends on oral health. 

You also need to focus on a healthy lifestyle. For example, avoid sugary foods. Your oral health matters a lot! 

Not giving attention to oral health means there is a chance for a cavity, plaque build-up, and tartar; if you do not care for the cavities, you may need a root canal. When the problem is severe, tooth extraction would be needed. 

Your genetics also play a role. Environmental factors are also at play. For example, if your family neglects personal hygiene, you may develop the same habits. Instilling healthy habits from an early age is vital. 

You can get missing teeth or gum diseases when you are not serious about your oral health. 

A lot also depends on your toothbrushing technique. You may not be aware of the correct technique, and thus, it can affect your oral health.  


Does everyone have 32 teeth? 

For some people, it’s common to have 28 teeth as they remove the wisdom teeth on the dentist’s recommendations. 

What happens if your oral health is bad? 

If you are not taking care of your oral health or if your oral hygiene is bad, it can lead to cavities, bad breath, and so much more. Eventually, you may lose some teeth. In addition, there could be stains on your teeth. Your oral health shows a lot about your personality; if your teeth are healthy, it shows you are focusing on your hygiene. 

What to do if you have pain in your gums or teeth? 

There could be an underlying issue or cavities, which is why it’s best to book an appointment with a dentist. Some people may opt for DIYs, but in such instances, you must always consult your dentist. Your dentist can suggest what’s the best treatment. 

Consult Your Dentist 

The information here is for discussion; it’s not medical advice. Visit your dentist from time to time to keep your oral health in check. If you have doubts, concerns, or questions, ask your dentist to guide you in the right direction. Let your dentist suggest what’s best for your oral health and overall well-being

Wrapping It Up 

You must take care of the 32 pearls in your mouth. If you are not serious about your oral health, it can negatively affect your well-being. Cavities can be painful, and not caring for the teeth at the right time can lead to missing teeth. You must visit your dentist and book an appointment as soon as possible to learn more about the importance of oral health! 


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